
Friday, August 27, 2021

Lockdown Maths [Just because we are in lockdown dosn't mean no maths]

This is my daily maths from lockdown. Lockdown doesn't mean no maths! We still have to keep our skills sharp. So far I have learnt about Statistics, Fractions, Geomerty and Patterns. I enjoyed doing Patterns today. I am wondering how long will we be in Lockdown and what maths will we do next?

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Tawirirmatea's Muesem Trip

Today our class Tawririmatetea to a trip to the museum. We did it so that we could learn about the hue and Maori insruments.  I learned that playing the Poroiti is harder than it looks! I enoyed making my Purehua and decarating it.  Can we go back?
Us trying to make the Poroiti sound